6 Nis 2013


      Turkey has one the fastest develeping countries in the Europen Union. Develepment in the Turkey is not equaly distrubuted across country.  The country has challenged with  uneven regional development between east  and west since the begining of  early republic.  As known, east of Turkey  consist from mountains and rugged topography which makes the region less developed compare with west. State suggest a project that called  Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP, Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi) in  the 1970s. The GAP defined as, a multi-sector integrated regional development project based on the concept of sustainable development which cover 9 million people (2005) living in the Southeastern Anatolia region [i].
         The GAP was planned based on irrigation and hydraulic energy production on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.Geographically , Southeastern  Anatolia located upper mezopotamia where known as Fertile Crescent. The region generaly consist from plains,flat lands and plateues such as, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, Adıyaman plateues. This region has most productive land in the middle eastern area however the region was suffered from lack of water.  Indeed, water resources of Tigris and Euphrates were enough for region, but  before GAP Project region could not receive water equaly. Before Project agricultural activities were practiced by traditional techniques, thus local people could not benefit from vast wide of these lands. There was huge development differences between Southeastern Anatolian regions and rest of country in terms of production, income, human resources, social structral , unemployment and poverty[ii].  In order to overcome such as problems, The project area covers 9 administrative provinces(Map,1) (Adiyaman, Batman, Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Sanliurfa and Sirnak) and these cities have approximately 10% of the country’s total population[iii].  GAP involves the construction of 22 dams and 19 hydropower plants on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The Project has tried to obtain energy from dams and hydropower and  make it a benefit for local people in the development side. Shortly, GAP planned to; 

   Minimize the interregional development disparities,
•  Improve irrigation and agriculture fertility by construction dams.
•  Increase energy for development of region by construction hydropower plants.
•  Also create jobs, rising incomes, prevent the emigration, increase export and so on.
Since GAP Project is long-term and multi-sector development which cannot always be easily afforded. Sometimes there have been some secession periods that break project’s effectiveness.  Because, regional planning is a complex process that involves policy making, collecting
information, gathering problems together and re-solving them[iv].   The GAP Project also has affected by political issues and economical crisis and lack of decion-makers(experts) as well.
    Problems with GAP projects:
•  It is very long term Project, thus it have not met needs of region.
•  Due to construction of dams on the Euphrates and Tigris, tension among Turkey, Iraq and Syria have emerged.
•  It has stil couldn’t been a solution geographical disparities between west and east of country.
•  The Project has affected by terrorism attacks.
•  Because of over-irrigation in agriculture , farmers have faced with salinisation which reduce fertility in the farmlands[v].
• One of aims of GAP  is creating jobs and developing the economical activities, but still remarkable amount of people migrate to major city to work.
•  Some historical places have challenged to survive due to dams construction; Exp: Hasan Keyf in Mardin.
•  In addition construction of enormous dams have caused  some ecological distruptions and erosions.
     Possible Solutions for GAP Project;
•  Euphrates and Tigris rivers are international rivers, so Turkey can not take control of these rivers. Because Iraq and Syria also have right to use these rivers efficiently.
•  In terms of enviromental perspective, the Project designers or managers should not waste water in the agriculture. As recommended, agriculture should use modern techniques in irrigation system which do not waste water. (Exp. drop irrigation system).
•  The Project should not only focus on farming, agriculture or construction of dams, instead of those, creation of new jobs(especially in secondary and tertiary sectors), improve educationol level, increase liveability conditions of urban areas.

by Rauf Belge
e-mail: raufbelge@gmail.com

 [i]•            Official GAP website in English
[ii] •           Keyden Ç, Üstündağ N, Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu'nun Kalkınmasında Sosyal Politikalar, TESEV, February 2006, İstanbul.

[iii] •          H. Olcay Unver (1997): Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), International Journal of Water Resources Development, 13:4, 453-484

[iv] •          Kamil Kaygusuz (1999): Energy and Water Potential of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), Energy Sources, 21:10, 913-922

[v] •           Osman T., Mustafa Ü., Use of Irrigation Water and Salinity Problems in The Southeastern Anatolia Project (SEAP) Area, KSU J. Science and Engineering 5(1) 2002.
·         Map 1,map datas from ArcMap 10 .

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