28 Nis 2013

Climate Change

Climate Change is one of the biggest development challenges of our times. The effects of a changing climate further complicate the world’s efforts to adequately address food security, water insecurity and energy needs. Recent data suggests that the mean global land temperature has risen almost one degree Celsius since preindustrial times, with massive loss of arctic ice, extreme heat waves with record high temperatures, and decreased and changing rainfall patterns. This is being called the “make-or-break” decade; actions taken now could make the difference to how warm our planet will become. Action and collaboration of all countries is required; without such action, it is unlikely that the global community will achieve the emissions reductions needed to mitigate the current climate scenario, and the costs of adapting to the changing climate will have to be borne by future generations.
As emerging climate change mitigation instruments are being established, countries are taking on the task to move their economies to low emissions and climate change resilient Growth. Available technology, combined with strategic planning and adequate financing, can potentially reverse climate change impacts. But decision-makers are not always aware of the need for changing strategies or policies and investments. Also, development practitioners are not always equipped with the tools, or have access to the resources, or are even connected to good practices that can adapt well to local conditions.

Source: The World Bank,Climate Change,Overview.

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